Thursday, October 20, 2011

DD- Breaking laws in France. For the kids!

It's been a month or so since I've blogged. Time has sure flown by here in a country where we think time ticks slower when compared to the States.

Our routine is more or less in place. Why more or less? We often have impromtu invitations to have a drink or a play date with neighbors and/or people that we bump into here and there during the day. Otherwise, our mornings typically begin by getting ready for school. Sebastien  attends school 5 days a week. He returns home at noon for lunch and then at 1:45 we bike back to school - all of 1/2 a mile.

Anais is at the same school which Sebastien attended last year. She is thriving there according to the staff which is 4:5 staff to kids.

After dropping off Anais at 8:30, Sebastien and I proceed to his school a block away. There, the doors open at 8:55, so we are typically early. The first few weeks, I couldn't get over the number of mothers with babies in a stroller, their three year old in tow, and a malboro in one hand. Is it possible that all of them did not get the e-mail, say 20 years ago, that second hand smoke does no one any good??

I took it upon myself to head up to the school at dusk one day with Sebastien's backpack. I jumped the fence and opened the pack to unload a cartridge of glue as well as 2 no smoking placards. The backpack was handy for two purposes. One to carry my gear and two in order to have an excuse as to why I hopped the fence after open hours. "My son left his back back at the  door, officer", I would say. I posted the signs on two pillars 20ft from the door. The next morning I arrived glad to see that my signs had stuck but disappointed to see a guy leaning against the pillar smoking.

Here's what it looks like:

And here's what it looks like in the morning while people are waiting for the doors to open:

A week passed, and the trick worked. Significantly fewer people are smoking in proximity to the kids. I figured that I killed two birds with one cartridge of glue:
     a) The kids (and non smoking parents) are a little safer
     b) The administrators at the school will not have to hold 2-3 meetings to determine if no-smoking signs are really necessary as well as if they have the budget (3 euros) to purchase and post such signs.

Next week, I have a few cross walks that I'm going to paint :>)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LSD: The Careless Whisperer in France

So I’ve been talking to my friends in the village to try to find another George Michael fan to come with me to see him in concert. Each day when we take the kids to school, I tell the other mamas I’m going to go online to look for tickets but I never seem to find the time. Finally while the kids are napping I get online and search around on both French and British sites to find the best seats. I try to read the map of the arena to figure out which seats are close to his face so I can see his expressions as he croons…. I go for some seats up in  the balcony but in the front row, hoping they’re good. I buy 2 tickets hoping one of the gals really is interested in going. I am so excited. I can’t wait to find out so I go to her house and call her name outside her door because I don’t have her phone number. She comes down and says she’s in!!! I'm so stoked! I spend the next 2 days searching the internet for songs and interviews. I check the songs he’ll be playing it's George Michael all day all night in the house. Even Sebastien and Anais are rocking out.

In my research I learned that he wanted to cover some of his favorite songwriters, he wanted to use the tour to exercise his vocals and after the 3 months see how good they could be 'at his age' (his words-he's only 47!). He said he thought people would be surprised by his choices. He covered Roxanne, a Stevie Wonder song, (apparently he credits Stevie Wonder as a great influence). He covered a Terrence D'Arby song and an interesting song by a guy called Rufus Wainwright It's been 3 weeks since the concert and I still have the song "Amazing" in my head. The show was great. I bought a t-shirt. :)

But last, I was impressed by this interview at about minute 10:17.  where h
e's talking about his next 'up tempo' album he's working on (and seems to be energized by-so great that he's not bored in his career like I was in mine!) He's been asked a sort of dumb question if he feels he'll be excluded in this genre due to his age and he has a great answer for what is motivating him write lyrics on this album--to help young gay kids! I was impressed and happy to call him my teenage idol! Let me know if you're also a fan and any thoughts!!!